Published articles:
Mohanned Abdalla, Andreas H. Schweiger, Bernd J. Berauer, Scott A.M. McAdam and Mutez Ahmed (2023) Constant hydraulic supply and ABA dynamics facilitate the trade-offs in water and carbon. Frontiers in Plant Science (14) 0938.
Mohanned Abdalla, MA Ahmed, G Cai, F Wankmüller, N Schwartz, O Litig, M Javaux and A Carminati (2022) Stomatal closure during water deficit is controlled by below-ground hydraulics. Annals of botany 129 (2), 161-170.
G Cai, MA Ahmed, Mohanned Abdalla, A Carminati (2022) Root hydraulic phenotypes impacting water uptake in drying soils. Plant, Cell & Environment 45 (3), 650-663.
Mohanned Abdalla, MA Ahmed, G Cai, M Zarebanadkauki, A Carminati (2022) Coupled effects of soil drying and salinity on soil–plant hydraulics. Plant Physiology 190 (2), 1228 – 1241.
G Cai, M Koenig, A Carminati, Mohanned Abdalla, M Javaux, F Wankmüller and MA Ahmed (2022) Transpiration Response to Soil Drying and Vapor Pressure Deficit is Soil Texture Specific. Plant and Soil (In Press)
Mohanned Abdalla, A Carminati, G Cai, M Javaux and MA Ahmed (2021) Stomatal closure of tomato under drought is driven by an increase in soil–root hydraulic resistance. Plant, Cell & Environment 44 (2), 425-431.
Mohanned Abdalla, MA Ahmed (2021) Arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis enhances water status and soil-plant hydraulic conductance under drought. Frontiers in Plant Science, (12) 2281.
G Cai, A Carminati, Mohanned Abdalla, MA Ahmed (2021) Soil textures rather than root hairs dominate water uptake and soil–plant hydraulics under drought. Plant Physiology 187 (2), 858-872.
F Hayat, Mohanned Abdalla, MU Munir (2021) Effect of Chia Seed Mucilage on the Rhizosphere Hydraulic Characteristics. Sustainability 13 (6), 3303
Mohanned Abdalla, AGE Said (2019) Acceleration of Callus Formation in Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Zygotic Embryos. University of Khartoum Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25 (1).
Manuscripts under peer review (as first author)
Mohanned Abdalla, Michael Bitterlich, Jan Jansa, Davis Puschel and Mutez Ahmed (In Review) On the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in improving plant water status under drought: a review.
Mohanned Abdalla, Mutez Ahmed and Andrea Carminati (In Review) The concomitance of water use regulations and loss in plant hydraulic conductivities.
Manuscripts in preparation (as first author)
Mohanned Abdalla, et al. (In preparation) The interplay between AMF, VPD and soil drying on plant water status.
Mohanned Abdalla, et al. (In preparation) Root exudates facilitate water uptake during soil drying.
Mohanned Abdalla, et al. (In preparation) Correlations between plant hydraulics and photosynthesis under water deficit (invited review)
Conference papers (as first author)
Mohanned Abdalla, MA Ahmed (2023) Mucilage enables water uptake in cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L.) under soil water deficit. EGU, Austria.
Mohanned Abdalla, MA Ahmed, G Cai, M Zare and A Carminati (2022) Coupled effects of drought and salinity on soil–plant hydraulics. AGU, USA.
Mohanned Abdalla, MA Ahmed, G Cai, F Wankmüller and A Carminati (2022) Stomatal closure under drought is controlled by soil and root hydraulic traits. Inter-drought 7, Senegal.
Mohanned Abdalla, MA Ahmed, G Cai, F Wankmüller, N Schwartz, O Litig, M Javaux and A Carminati (2022) Stomatal closure under drought is controlled by below-ground hydraulics. EGU 2022, Austria.
Mohanned Abdalla, MA Ahmed, G Cai, F Wankmüller, N Schwartz, O Litig, M Javaux and A Carminati (2022) Below-ground hydraulics control stomatal closure under soil water deficit. GRC 2022, Switzerland.
Mohanned Abdalla and MA Ahmed (2022) Arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis improves plant water status and soil-root hydraulic conductance under drought. EGU 2022, Austria.
Mohanned Abdalla, A Carminati, G Cai, M Javaux, M Ahmed (2021) Declining soil-root hydraulic conductance drives stomatal closure of tomato under drought. EGU 2021, (Online).